
Local Time trials to ride

The Flyers evening TT’s start at 7:15pm)

Flyers Flapjack

We only go for Alisons flapjack

Justin Flys

Justin Flys

Kings Cliffe Flyers run weekly timetrials during the Spring/Summer Months on a Tuesday evening.
The 2016 start season has started and The first two Flyers’ tts are usually 6:45 kick offs. Start and finish is in Woodnewton, sign on from 6:15 (park in village hall) and are 8 miles. Entry fee is £5 for club members (don’t worry if you’re not & just want to try it: we can sort it on the day) £7 for non members of other CTT affiliated clubs (like Pactrac or PCC)

The 10 mile course route is then used at 7:15 pm. —  COURSE HERE. Note the different start and finish points, and yes it does look like an arse 😉 Don’t go off to fast; note the climbing fun starts at 5.5 miles at Nassington.

For spectators a pint at the pub on the corner in Nassington is an ideal place to watch. The start time moves toward to 6:45 in August

Gorilla Time trial results, personal bests.

Flyers 10 mile Summer course. (NC17) Strava segment

Go Jemima - the 10 mile start point

Go Jemima – the 10 mile start point

      • Jim R          24.32
        Sam            25.23
        Chris M       22.2 (2016)
        Steve B       25.37
        Richard W   25.56 (2016)
        Andy G        26.07
        Jack            26.10
        Linds          25.17 (2015)
        Mick C         26.37
        Jon              26.16 (2015)
        Justin          25.51 (2016)
        Nick W         27.57
        Josh M         28.22
        Rich T          28.28
        Shad            28.38
        Lawrence    28.20 (2015)
        Noel              29.11
        Jean-Sebastien 26.13(2016)
        Rachel          28.43
        Jo                  29.28
        Jemima         30.08
        Dan F            29.48 (2015)
        Jim B             25.39 (2016)
        David G         33.55
        Shaun B        26.06 (2015)
        Sam T            26.07 (2015)
        Chris B           29.06
        David Y           28.32
        Andy C            27.36 (2016)

Flyers 8 mile Spring course Strava Segment 

Gorillas still smiling after the pain

Gorillas still smiling after the pain

Linds              20.21 (2015)
Steve B          20.36 (2015)
Jim R              21.47
Mick C            22.01
Richard W       21.00 (2015)
Nick W            22.28
Justin              20.48 (2016)
Lawrence        22.38
Shad               22.39
Jon                 23.12
Rachel            23.19
Josh M            23.33
Jo                    23.55
Mark B             24.27
Jean-Sebastien 24.42
Jemima            24.36 (2015)
Ian P                25.35
Sam T              20.16 (2015)
Jon F               21.03 (2015)
Shaun B          21:40   (2015)
Andy Gregg          20:40   (2015)
Chris M            19:46  92015)

Southwick course double lap: justin Flyers TT front
Justin               32:47
Jim B                36:40


February 2016 – Kings Cliffe Flyers Winter Warmer 

Look out for Flyers Winter Warmer Open Time Trial (solo and 2-up teams). Event starts at 11am and is approx. 12 miles starting at top of Southwick Hill. HQ will be at Kings Cliffe Active Sport Centre.

Note: The route can be found HERE –  This is not like the casual turn up and go weekday evening time trails, you must pre-enter using an official form and belong to a TT affiliated group to be able to compete. CTT FORM HERE