
Its no Ocean Colour Scene all the way to Nosely but the shores of Deene and Eyebrook on the way add colour.

The Medium route is 45 miles (2460ft); As the long Route but cutting back at Medbourne

Download the MEDIUM ROUTE HERE (GPSIES) or Ride with GPS HERE

The Long route is 63 miles (3300ft); Description: Out to the valley at Lydington then to Stokerston and up to Hallerton and a rare visit to Nosely. Down and through the Langtons and a rise to the Neville Holt peak from the rear side before returning up Rocko Hill and the direct route back from Corby

NOTE: Take the right turn to TUGBY at 26 miles for a short spin to the lovely  Café Ventoux, then retrace to get back on the route.

Download the LONG ROUTE HERE (GPSIES) or Ride with GPS HERE

Long Route in Red and alternative short section shown in Blue (click for bigger)

way out west to leicestershire

way out west to leicestershire

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