
Sample of the Great Gorilla Ride good training for the hilly route

The Medium route is 41 miles (2500ft); Following the Gorilla route to Seaton the medium route splits and takes the long slow hike up to the peak at Uppingham. From here its the fast drop down Kings Hill to the valley to rejoin the longer route for the valley climbs of Stokerston Mile, Neville Holt reverse and Rocko Hill to join the return route through Deenethorpe and Upper Benefield

Download the MEDIUM ROUTE HERE (ride with GPS)

The Long route is 61.5 miles (4100 ft); Following the start of the Great Gorilla ride out to Bulwick and Harringworth and up to Wing. Across into rolling Rutland through Braunston and Owston and returning via Launde, Loddington and Belton. Back into the Valley and a few digs up the Stokerston Mile, Neville Holt reverse and Rocko Hill to join the return route through Deenethorpe and Upper Benefield

Download the LONG ROUTE HERE (ride with GPS)

Long Route in Red and alternative short section shown in Blue (click for bigger)

Anti-clockwise route with the medium route cutting across in blue through Uppingham

Anti-clockwise route with the medium route cutting across in blue through Uppingham