
The best of the valley Rift. A rare visit to the Dingley dips

The Medium route is 41 miles (1800ft); As the long route but missing the major valley lumps to cut across from Caldecott to Rockingham.

Download the MEDIUM ROUTE HERE (ride with GPS)

The Long route is 61 miles (3300ft) ;   (would be good in reverse too.)

Standard start to Kings Cliffe – Collyweston  and Ketton then down the North valley rift all the way to Lyddington. The Lyddington lump gets you ready for the drop to the Eyebrook and the Stokerston Mile. Chase the motorbikes to Medborne and then onto a rarely used area up to Sutton Basset and the climb to Dingley. Round Brampton Ash to return to the valley past East Carlton park. Up to Gretton and then the Gorilla ride return to home.

Download the LONG ROUTE HERE (ride with GPS)

Long Route in Red and alternative short section shown in Blue (click for bigger)

Anti-clockwise direction

Anti-clockwise direction

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