
Pimp My Ride what’s that all about then?

Simples……….All riders start together and follow the route, you decide how far you want to ride and then turn round at your hallway mileage point, 50 mile ride, turn round at 25 miles. As all riders return the same way its a chance to try new things. Don’t forget to find out what everyone is planning before you set off and group up riders with similar plans.

  • The opportunity to ride new roads as out and back routes can go further than loops
  • Pushed for time, easy to decide how long to be out
  • Push yourself and up the mileage, no problems getting home, just retrace your route.
  • Push the speed and try and stick with the fast group. If it gets too tough either wait for the following riders, or turn around and get picked up as the group returns.
  • Slow starter, then go out with the subsonic riders and then turn and jump on the fast group when they return tired (might happen 😉
  • Hangover and feeling rough, at any time you’ll always know the way home, follow your device breadcrumb trail.
  • Get dropped, mechanical, no problem just wait for the group to return your way.

So let’s head South to the pretty Ouse crossing after Great Barford  GPX Track here (with turn markers for 50 & 60 Miles)

Head South

Pimp My Ride: South

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